Pune to Murud Janjira Cab Service

Hire Pune to Murud Janjira cab with us

Murud Janjira one of the incredible forts situated between the seas. This fort is constantly preferred places to visit for the travelers. The fort offers amazing view around. This is famously known as as Janjira "Jal Durg" which means "Sea fort". You need a sail boat from Rajapuri to reach the fort. The word Janjira is came from Arabic language. In Arabic the word Janjira, literally means an "Island".

History Of Janjira Fort:

There are different views about exact time period of the construction of the Janjira Fort Janjira. Some opine it was built during 17th century and some may say during 11th century. This exceptional castle was constructed by Abssynian minister in the court of the Sultan of Ahmednagar, Malik Ambar. Many times the fort was attacked by Marathas and even Mughal also tried to capture it. However both failed to conquer the fort. For that reason Janjira fort is famous as "Ajinkya kila".

Special Features Of Murud Janjira Fort:

This is a marine fort, unlike other fort the Murud Janjira fort is in oval shape. It is still standing in very good position between the sea water. The fort is bordered by strong walls of 40 feet height. It is one of the strongest forts of India. The area of the fort is around 22 acres. The special feature of the fort is its 3 magnificent cannons. They are named as Kalal bangdi, Chavri and Landa Kasam. There is Palace of Nawab on the on the shore. You can pay visit there also.

Murud Beach:

Murud is remote beach; you will not see much crowd here. So it is clean as well, water is also clear. Many people come here to see spectacular view of the Sun set. Murud Janjira is best suited for one day tour. There few more places to explore like Alibaug or Dapoli. If you plan for 2 days trip you can visit these places also.

Ideal Time to Visit:

Ideal time to visit Murud Janjira will be November to March. The weather will be pleasant at that time. You will find few options of restaurants and hotels at nearby village Murud or Rajapuri.

Let us explore Murud Janjira Fort.

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